Monday, 30 January 2017

January 30, 2017

Bonnie:  We've had an interesting day. We finally found a sister  home that we  have tried to see in the past. She is the mother of the  Relief Society President in the french-speaking Abitibi Branch in Quebec. We hope to have a gospel conversation with her soon. We also visited Donna at the nursing home. She has moved to another room which is great because she now has only one room-mate instead of three. Donna would like us to spend hours with her, so because we are leaving soon we will try to go twice a week instead of once a week. Tonight we saw another less-active who is not sure about some basic doctrine, and  he is not motivated to find out the truth. Very sad. Coming home tonight the outside temperature varied between -2 to -6, and settled on -4 when we pulled into our parking space. How thankful I am for thermal underclothing and heavy tights and a long down-filled coat! Bob always pulls up the wiper blades and plugs in the car on nights like this to be sure the car will start in the morning. This is normal procedure for all of the vehicles here.
So, everyone stay warm, enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy a good book--maybe even the Book of Mormon!!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: One thing about Donna. Yes, she only has one roommate now, but she is a very elderly woman that talks to herself occasionally. And when she does she just keeps repeating the same thing over and over. Donna is hoping she is able to tolerate it!!
Not much more to add than we didn't get home till after 8:00. John said to come around 7 which we did, but he was still baking dinner for himself, his son and his son's friend when we got there. We left about 8 so they could eat as soon as the garlic bread was done.
Went swimming today. Did 36 tiring laps. Swam all but about 6 laps by myself. I bet the life guard gets tired of watching one old man swim slowly up and back the pool!!
Time for bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

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