Thursday, 19 January 2017

January 19, 2017

Bob: Brother Vottero of our Branch had a heart attack last night and was taken to the Englehart hospital. We got a call about it this morning at 10:00 or so. Brother Cambridge and I went to give him a blessing. We had only been in his room for about 30 seconds when a lady came in and told him they were going to fly him to Sudbury!! So we hurried up and gave him a blessing. Warren had to help him sit up and he couldn't enunciate his full name very well for us. We only had about 3 or 4 minutes with him and we had to leave. Haven't heard anymore about him.
On the way back I had to stop at the high school to officiate their game. Warren went to the office and had his daughter-in-law, who works there, call his wife to come and get him.
When I did get home I made nachos and cheese for our lunch/dinner and then went to visit Wiwchars. Bonnie gave Lorraine the VT message for the month. On the way home I stopped at Granny's Chipper and got an order of fries and gravy. Yum, yum!!
Tonight I did the basketball games for the men's league. Things were much more physical tonight than normal, but no blood was drawn and we got through it. Only one technical called.
Better close for now. Hope all is well with everyone. Get the reunion ironed out and we'll be there. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: I don't have much to add. The reason we were called first about Bro. Voterro is that I was supposed to go visiting teaching with his wife today.  I pray that everything will go well with this dear brother. He and his wife are staunch supporters of everything we do in the Branch. Our Branch does not need any more stuff like this. Such worry and heart-ache for all of us! May the Lord bless him and his family and all of us reading our blog.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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