Tuesday, 17 January 2017

January 17, 2017

Bob: Patsy's funeral was today. It went quite well. Her son, Lee, was the main speaker and he did a good job of relating many of the happy things his mother is known for. Tom Cambridge, a counselor to President Jakob, was the officiator. He added some final thoughts. In particular he said we all need to reflect on where we came from and who is really important to us. Who would we miss if they were gone tomorrow? I agree that we should think about those two things.
After the funeral a large crowd attended the luncheon at the church. I don't know how many were there, but if we had that many every Sunday we would be breaking ground for a new building.
I'm taking the car to the garage tomorrow to have it checked. Some of the plastic underneath the car is loose and drags the ground at almost all the little bumps in the road.
Temperatures have been above freezing so far this week and is supposed to continue until at least Friday. We still have a lot of snow and the lake is still frozen over. I saw a 4- wheeler going up the lake today. There are about 30 fishing huts on the lake so far.
I was able to make reservations today for all of our planned stops on the way home. We'll let you know when we're planning to see you.
Well time for bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  The funeral did go well. But, we barely had enough room in the activity portion of our building for everyone to eat. One of the best parts was that we did not run out of food. There were sandwiches galore left. The R.S. President made lots of extra egg salad and brought at least two extra loaves of bread just in case. We were a tired lot by the time we got everything cleaned up. But, it was worth it. I think Patsy is happy with how everything turned out.
We came home and after a rest began planning out the rest of the week. We will be busy and that is good! May we all have fulfilling, busy days ahead.
Love, Mom/ Bonnie

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