Saturday, 28 January 2017

January 28, 2017

Bob: We made it safely to Brampton and back. The roads were slick in spots, but mostly okay. The worst roads were areas between North Bay and Orillia, but the snow plows were out.
We stayed at the Mission Home which is a real treat. We didn't get there till between 10:30 and 11:00. President and Sister Shields were up and wanted to talk with us and Sister Margetson, who went with us. It was fun, but we finally had to call it quits and go to bed.
Getting into the temple proved a little difficult for me. It seems my recommend expired at the end of December!! I knew when I came out on the mission it would be good for the entire time, but I forgot when we extended to renew it. Had to call President Shields from the temple. He interviewed me over the phone and the temple filled out the recommend. I missed going on the 5:15 session because of this, but Elder Allred, a temple missionary and our friend, said he thought they could keep me busy. He had me do initiatories till 7:05 when I got ready for the next endowment session with Bonnie and Sister Margetson.
We went back to the temple this morning and did another endowment before leaving. Had to go back to the Mission Home and get the pants I left in the closet! Always forgetting something.
I'll let Bonnie finish up now. Hope your weekend is going well. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  We had a wonderful temple trip. One of the best parts was seeing several friends we have not seen in awhile. Sister Margetson lived in Brampton area and served in the temple for quite some time. She had joyful reunions with several old friends as well.We got back about 7:30 tonight. Bob has been working on his talk for tomorrow. I'm getting prepared for the Sabbath, too. We have been invited to stay after church for dinner, with the young  Elders and probably President Jakob and the three little girls.The dinner will be provided by the RS President!. How sweet it is.
May tomorrow be a joyful, spiritual day for all of us.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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