Tuesday, 24 January 2017

January 24, 2017

Bob: Did not wake up till after 8:00 today. And I had a pain in my chest! It comes and goes. Thought it might be related to my sore throat. It is better this evening.
We went to visit a referral from Sister Ng today. She was very receptive and we taught part of the Restoration discussion. She has a desire to know what God's plan is for her. Tried to build on that and help her realize that if she is willing to act on what God tells her then He will lead her. We'll see how it goes.
Had high school basketball games to do at 4:00. New Liskeard was playing Englehart, which beat New Liskeard earlier this season. NL coach told me it would be a very competitive game. Well NL scored the first 27 points of the game and led 27 - 5 at halftime. I think the final score was 56 - 14 so it wasn't much of a game after all. NL just controlled the boards and Englehart couldn't hit the floor if they dropped the ball. I told Brad about the game and he showed up to watch what was supposed to be a good game. Didn't turn out that way.
We had Activity Night tonight. In attendance were the Humphreys, Cambridges, Sister Margetson, YSAs Delainey and David, the Elders and ourselves. Did not play games tonight. Instead we each wrote something about ourself that nobody knew. Then we tried to figure out who it was. Had a good time learning more about each other.
Well I'm about done for the night. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: It worked out to be a good day, especially ending with our Activity Night. The only downside is that Karol Cushman is in the hospital because of a minor heart attack and pneumonia. The Elders drove up to Engelhart to give her a blessing which she appreciated. Wow! I can't believe the number of people in the Branch that need our prayers.
I guess we all are in need of prayers, though. May the Lord bless all of us!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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