Monday, 2 January 2017

January 2, 2016

Bonnie:  It's been a very good day here in the "near" north. We learned yesterday that here we are not considered the "real" north because we are not past a certain parallel (I can't remember which one). Sister Margetson has lived in the "real" north and has seen a little place temporarily shut down because there were so many polar bears coming into town! I shudder to think of winters that are colder than this, although I understand that it will get colder here. How grateful I am for the warm clothes I have!
We went cranberry picking with Brad to day and in the process met two of his extended relatives. The second man lives on some family-owned property by himself in a huge farmhouse. He has been a widower for about five years. Apparently he is an avid gardener. He owns lots of goldfish that he keeps in his basement during the winter. Then, when it's warm enough, the fish are put in a waterfall in his garden. Anyway, he asked us about the church today. We had a delightful conversation with him, and even though he told us he doesn't want to join another church, he will let us come back and talk to him some more.
After dinner, we went to see our friend Donna in the nursing home. It's always an experience talking to Donna! She is remembering more and more of her past history. I will be compiling what she has told me as soon as I have time. We will certainly miss her when we leave.
We hope all of our readers are enjoying the new year.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Picking the 'high bush cranberries' wasn't so bad. The temperature was around 30 degrees and we didn't have to venture off the trail into the woods. We did have one problem though. Brad has a Toyota Highlander and he pulled it down onto the trail so that we could warm ourselves in it if we wanted to. When he went to back out to the main road he couldn't quite make it as the tires began to spin. He tried about 3 times, but he was too close to the bushes on the passenger side and he bumped into a small tree that stopped him. No worry though as there wasn't any damage. I suggested he move back down the trail and turn around. Then he could get a little momentum and possibly get out. He said he would try it one more time before doing that. This time he went closer to the driver's side of the road and slid off the road up against some trees. In the process he tore off the driver's side mirror and scratched up both doors. He finally walked down to the house we had visited and had his friend pull him out with his truck. It took a few tries but he finally got out.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Love to all and good night brothers.

Picking 'High Bush Cranberries'

Filling the pail with berries

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