Saturday, 29 October 2016

October 29, 2016

Bob: We were going to go cranberry picking with Brad this morning, but it was raining. We decided to wait till the afternoon. We arranged to meet between 1:15 - 1:30 and go. However, it was still drizzling just a little and cooler than we had expected. So we decided to wait till a drier day, but the temperature may be cooler. It was in the 40s today and didn't feel too bad except for the dampness.
I was able to go swimming today to make up for yesterday's absence. But I was limited by time so I didn't swim quite as far as normally.
Stopped by the common room today and found that the cable does have some college football games. Saw the end of WVU's loss to Oklahoma State. Saw a little of Penn State's drubbing of Purdue. There was another game on, but can't remember who it was.
Well it is time to go to bed. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  One thing to add about the missionaries in Val D'Or. They not only had to sleep on the floor, they had no lamps, so the only light in the apartment was an overhead kitchen light and the bathroom light. I guess they spent most of their time at the rented church building, where they had light and a kitchen where they could keep and prepare food.  It's a good thing that they live close to the church!
Not much to report today. I spent it doing the shopping, ironing and washing towels. Then, I worked on my talk for tomorrow. It's daunting to have to speak for 20 minutes! Wish me luck.

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