Saturday, 22 October 2016

October 22, 2016

Bonnie: Our day with  Cannon's was quite fun. We started with a tour of the area, going down Dawson's Point Road along Lake Temiskaming and then north through the farmland and wooded areas. Then, we  headed south to the Cobalt Military Museum for a tour. There is much to see there. After that, we took in the sites of the Cobalt Mining Driving Tour. We saw several sites out of the 20 that are available. Then, we went out for dinner at Zante's, finishing the night playing dominos and eating blueberry pie. It was a nice relaxing day, although the weather was cold, especially with the wind blowing. Tomorrow I will wear  some extra layers of warm clothing!
May we all have a wonderful  Sabbath Day tomorrow.
Love Mom/Bonnie

Bob: It has been a fun and relaxing day. We ate lunch at Granny's Chipper. There is a picture below. Also, since we have the apartment cleaned and in order we thought we would add some pictures of it plus a couple others.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Love to all and good night brothers.

Granny's Chipper Restaurant

Living room and dining area

Kitchen area and dinette

Our bedroom

Our bathroom

Bonnie behind an ore car used in the mines

Elder Cannon in one of our Great Dalmuti hats

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