Tuesday, 18 October 2016

October 18, 2016

Bonnie:  It's almost 10:00 and Bob is doing the dishes as I write this. We picked up three people for Activity Night and we just got back from taking everyone home. We had a good evening, with Bob's message about prayer and a great video. The games were fun, although I didn't do very well playing Scrabble. It's been years since I have played it.
Today Nicole and I went visiting teaching. She thought we didn't have to call Karol because she is in a nursing home. When we got there, she and  Warren were out walking! We missed them, obviously. The other reason we were there in Englehart was to see the Branch President's wife. She has had two mini-strokes and is in the hospital. Hopefully, another sister in the  Branch and I will be taking them some meals tomorrow. I am waiting for her call. Sister Jakob was better than I expected but there are some important things she needs to do to help her have better health. She may live with her daughter, who is a nurse, down south for awhile until her body is in better shape.
Have a good night, everyone!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Looks like Bonnie has about covered everything. Activity Night was a fun time. I 'officiated' a game of Mexican Train. Some of them are having a hard time picking up the rules, but they seem to enjoy it even so.
Don't know exactly what I'll do tomorrow while Bonnie is gone to Elk Lake. The weather was wet for part of the day, but the temperature was great. It was 65 when we got up. The locals are all amazed at the mild fall we are having. They don't realize how hard Sister Martin and Sister Backus are praying for mild temperatures!!
One good thing happened today. Our 2015 tax refund from the IRS showed up in the bank today. Still waiting on Utah though.
Got to run. Love to all and good night brothers.

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