Thursday, 13 October 2016

October 13, 2016

Bonnie:  We have had a gratifying day in Kirkland Lake. In one visit, we got invited to an American Thanksgiving dinner, providing that I cook the turkey on sight at Bro. Dale's apartment, and bring stuffing and potatoes! Wow! How did we get talked in to that? We also were able to talk to a less-active member, finally. We  had a delicious dinner and did some home-teaching. At the end of our day, we met a very special senior who volunteers with the police department as a helper with women and children in trouble. She is an awesome investigator who has invited us back. I will let Bob add his remarks and close for now.
Good night and sleep tight.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: A long day for sure. We left for our first home teaching appointment at 10:30 this morning and we got home at 10:00 tonight. Besides the people we met we also stopped at the library and obtained permission to hold a genealogy seminar there. Now we need to get someone who can conduct it!! We can probably do an indexing seminar, but that would be about it. We'll cross that bridge down the line.
Took the photo below as we were arriving home. I think it is ice shavings from a hockey rink. However, it did spit snow for a minute today while we were in Kirkland Lake. Temperature was in the low 30s. Got to dig out my coat in the morning.
Hope you had a great day. Love to all and good night brothers.

What is this????

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