Friday, 29 July 2016

July 29, 2016

Bob: Another nice day. Temperature was about the same as yesterday, but it felt a bit warmer.
Went to the pool today. I think I did 12 laps, but I am not sure. I did feel better when finished though. We'll see how things go next week. I must alter my schedule as the pool is closed on Monday for a civic holiday. It's always the first Monday in August so they can have a 3 day weekend.
We went to visit 3 people today. Found 2 of them home. One is a 72 year old man that had a special experience several years ago. One night he was feeling very bad and wanted to end his life. He got down on his knees asked the Lord to send him someone to help him. At that moment the 2 elders knocked on his door. It was 10:00 PM and they should have been home. However, one of the elders said he felt impressed to walk upstairs to the 2nd floor apartment and knock on Jean's door. This was a turning point in his life, but sorry to say he is lacking faith. He doesn't believe in agency and thinks the Lord can control everything. Thus, in his mind, the Lord lets people suffer when He could prevent it. Don't know exactly how we will help him.
The 2nd lady is from Quebec and only speaks some English. She was baptized in 2002, but hasn't been active for 2 years. I think her husband may have something to do with that. She said we come back and that she knew the doors weren't closed to her.
We don't have a good address for the 3rd lady so we didn't find her. So we went to the hospital and visited with Donna Craig. She learned today that her room in the nursing home will be shared with 3 other ladies. That is because her pension will not cover the extra cost of a semi-private room. She still wants to go home, but I don't think that is going to happen.
Came home for dinner and then back to Food Basics to do the weekly shopping.
That's about it for the day. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It's been a good day but we need to start earlier, I think. Otherwise, it's too late for me to take my french lesson and do the blog and watch our Murdoch Mystery and get to bed at a decent hour!!
We are hoping for an even better day tomorrow with the baptism. May the Lord be with us all!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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