Friday, 22 July 2016

July 22, 2016

Bob: We went to Sister Ben Guenna's today with the Elders and helped her and her daughter, Kayla, paint the inside of her house. She had a lot of it painted already, but some needed a second coat and there was a lot of touch up work to do, too. The upstairs hadn't been started and the kitchen cabinets hadn't been painted either. There is still a lot of do even after we left. Bonnie got a picture of me at home resting afterwards. After my little rest I was awakened to a dinner of fish, fresh green beans, baked potato and watermelon. Delicious!! Hats off to the cook.
Working on updating the membership records per information we have received. I want the records in an EXCEL file so I can sort, etc. If anyone out there knows if I can print the church records in EXCEL let me know.
We have checked out the 1st season of 'Murdoch Mysteries' from the Haileybury Library. We watched the episode tonight between dinner and checking account reconciliation.
Hope your day has been great. Love to all and good night brothers.

Hard earned rest after painting

Bonnie: I was tired, too, after several hours of painting. I'm glad dinner was left-overs, though don't tell Bob! It still seems like we are on vacation rather than on a mission because we have too much time on our hands. I cleaned the apartment this morning before going to Sister Ben Guenna's. Tonight I am looking at the genealogy records the church has for our family. Maybe I can do some genealogy of some sort. That would be the best use of my time probably.
Tomorrow I will be cooking for the Sabbath as well as visiting some less-actives.  It should be a wonderful day.
I hope all of you have had a great day today.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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