Saturday, 23 July 2016

July 23, 2016

Bob: Another beautiful day. Went for an hour walk this morning. Walked to the church and back, approximately 4 miles. Took an hour and 50 seconds. Thought I might get wet, but it cleared up and was nice as I walked along the lake most of the way.
Went to Cobalt today to look up Connie (a nickname for his first name Conrad) Corville. He was baptized about 20 years ago after he had a very special spiritual experience. He wanted his wife to join with him, but unfortunately she left him 7 days after his baptism. Because of this he soon fell away. He spoke very highly of the church and the sisters that taught him the gospel. He invited us to come back and we have high hopes for him. He gave us a copy of a poem he wrote for the 100th anniversary of the Cobalt silver find. In addition he gave us a 2003 Proof Silver Dollar commemorating the anniversary.
We went back to the hospital to visit Sister Craig. She is not taking the expected move to a nursing home very well. She dearly misses her pet dog.
Called on 4 members, but wasn't able to meet with any of them. 2 are not at the address we have; 1 was sick; and 1 was out for the day.
We are sitting here waiting for the broadcast of the Mo Tab Pioneer Day Special. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It has been a nice day. Bob has summed it up quite well. I spent some time cooking for the Sabbath Day tomorrow along with everything else. We hope to invite a family over to share our meal after church.
Our French lessons are coming right along. I want to try some phrases out tomorrow at church.  I hope the Quebec saints will be patient with me! I'm sure they will.
I assume everyone in Utah is celebrating July 24th for the weekend. I hope everyone has a great time! We miss you. Happy Sabbath Day tomorrow and Happy July 24th!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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