Bob: Has been another great day. The weather is warm and there wasn't any rain. Took a long walk this morning. Bonnie went to get her hair done and I worked on updating our visitation records. Then I went outside to the patio and read some of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. Got tired and took a short nap. Bonnie must have come home while I was napping because I never saw her pull in and I was sitting right beside the driveway. She had to carry in all the groceries because I wasn't anywhere to be found.
We have both been taking French lessons on the website, Duolingo. I think I'm about 9% fluent in French according to them. As long as we only talk about a book, newspaper, apple, boy, girl, men, women, red, black, calm and rich I should be okay!! I'll keep plugging away at it though. She is doing a lot better than me. And when I speak it she gets a big smile on her face.
Went visiting in the afternoon and after we ate dinner. Got one 'take me off your visitation list' and one 'I am very happy without the Church'. But the others were better.
Better get to bed. Love to all and good night brothers.
Bonnie: Bob has summed up our day. I came home and did some wash and baked cookies using "Canada's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe". The flour in Canada is a little different than what we use in the US, so I wanted a good Canadian recipe. We want to take some of the cookies to a less-active man that helped us move in tomorrow. And I want to send some home with Trudy and Jack who are coming to dinner tomorrow night. We are having lasagna, garlic bread and salad. I also found some black cherry ice cream for dessert with the cookies. Bob has been looking for it ever since we have been here. I hope everything turns out well. Trudy is one of the best cooks I've ever met. So, tomorrow morning we hopefully will visit three members of the Branch, and then I want to come back to the apartment and cook. It should be a very good day.
It's time for my french lesson so I will close. Have a good evening, everyone! As the French might say, "Salut, Á plus tard!"
Love, Mom/Bonnie
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