Wednesday, 27 July 2016

July 27, 2016

Bob: Got up before 7:00 this morning and went to the swimming pool. This pool is a 25 meter pool. I swam a total of 11 laps (down and back being 1 lap). Half of the laps I did on my back and the other half using the overhand stroke. When I finished I was beat. I need to at least double the amount of laps to be close to what I was doing in Utah. In Utah I used flippers, but not here. I think I'll swim here without them and see how it goes.
Then we signed up to be volunteers for Meals on Wheels. They sent us to New Liskeard to turn in our application at the police station for a background check. Only problem is they didn't tell us we needed two forms of ID. Have to take another ID back for Bonnie tomorrow. Luckily I had a Canadian Outdoors card that satisfied them for my 2nd form.
After that we went to visit Jack and Trudy, but Jack was off appraising cattle for his buyer. Jack travels to various farms looking for cattle his buyer can purchase. Jack lets him know where they are and how good they are then the buyer goes to market and buys them. We had a good visit with Trudy.
After we got home I washed the car for the first time. They have a pretty nice washing area here. It is right outside our apartment so about 4:30 it is in the shade.  That made it comfortable. Bonnie said she would sweep it out, but she never got outside this evening to do it. I guess she is planning on doing that tomorrow morning.
Elder Wolfley called today and said he got caller ID put on our phone number so I can see the calls I have missed. Until today everything was coming up 'Unknown Number'. A real pain!!
That's about it for the day. Hope your day was fantastic. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: Bob has written about swimming today. It actually wasn't too bad. The water was warm, and the facilities are ok. It's just that I am not very fit in the water, yet. I may go every Wednesday with him. We'll see. It will take a lot of work for me to do laps like Bob does.
I am anxious to start doing some service. The lady at the police office said it would be two weeks before our background checks would be finished, so it will be a longer wait than I would like.
Tomorrow, I  hope to help plan the details for Sister Cushman's baptism. We looked at the room that is being rented for it. The pool we swam in today will be where she will be baptized. They  have a chair with wheels on it for her, if she needs to be wheeled into the water. There is a kitchen that opens up to the room, and there are chairs and tables that we can put up for it, as well. I think it will work out very nicely. We need everyone's prayers that she will have enough faith to go through with this.
Well, we are turning in a little bit early tonight. We hope everyone has had a great day.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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