Wednesday, 8 July 2015

July 8, 2015

Bob: First mate has gone to bed so I thought I'd better say something before retiring. Another great experience with service personnel today.
As you know I lost my set of apartment keys. So I finally called the front office yesterday to see about getting them replaced. She told me I would have to sign a form and pay for the keys before they would give them to me. She said to stop in sign the form and then come back the next day to get everything. Told her it was almost impossible to get in to see her as she is open only 9 to 5 and my work schedule starts before that and I work till after 5. So she said to come in on Wednesday and she would be here till 7PM. Okay, how much. I think she said 25 for the fob, 25 for the mailbox key and 10 for the apartment key.
So I call her back this morning and ask her if I get there at 6:30 will you still be there? She said she will be here till 7. Ok. How much did you say everything is. 60.00. Ok. I'll be there about 6:30. So we get there and she has a form I have to sign. Says I can pick up the keys tomorrow! I can't pick them up because you are closed when I get here. I will have to wait till next Wednesday!! But she'll take the money now. So I start to pay her and she says, we only take certified checks or money orders. No cash. No credit card. I believe if looks would kill she died yesterday. She said okay. I'll give you the fob now. Stick the check/money order in my door and I'll put the keys inside your apartment door. I'm telling you things just aren't done easily here.
Hope your day was great.

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