Monday, 13 July 2015

July 13, 2015

Bonnie: On Monday nights we go straight from the mission office to the YSA Family Home
Evening. The young man in charge is always entertaining! Tonight after a quick 10 minute lesson they adjourned to a park close by to play beach volley-ball. We talked for a good while with the institute teachers and their visiting parents, the Bishop's wife and the second-counselor and his wife. It's so much fun to get to know these special people. For some reason the church sent way too many Liahona magazines for June so we brought them to give to the YSAs. The magazines went fast.
We had our meeting with the President and his wife today. And, one of the inspectors for the missionary apartments stopped by as well. Then, there were the usual missionaries in and out. That's pretty much a normal day at the mission office! Things are getting better for me, at least as far as understanding what exactly my responsibilities are. However, there seem to be new things all the time. For example, because of all the furniture and other stuff in the storage unit, my assignment is to contact the Stake Relief Society president and offer her the furniture for those in need. I'm glad to do it because I'm sure there are those who need some of this stuff. I also ordered scriptures for the Bancroft Jail north of here, care of the chaplain. There is an inmate who is LDS and wants them. I hope he is allowed by the authorities in charge to have them! The chaplain is supportive so it should be ok.
Have a great evening, one and all!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Our 10 minute lesson tonight was "Endure It Well". A returned missionary taught it and did a great job. He had everyone play hangman to get the lesson started. Only problem was he had an extra space in the word endure. So when someone guessed it and he started to fill in the letters he erased one of the spaces and did it so naturally that it was funny. Then he talked about Joseph Smith and his imprisonment in Liberty Jail and asked us what we had to 'endure well'. My thoughts were about Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's talk, 'Come What May, and Love It'. We all have things we have to endure. To endure it well is the goal.
 Got to work today and thought I could get something done before we had our meeting with the President, but one of the apartment inspectors showed up and took about 20 minutes trying to convince me that some Sisters should be moved from the apartment they are in. It put me behind and I never really did catch up. Oh well, we'll try again tomorrow.
Got to go to bed. Hope everyone is doing well. I bet my son is feeling good right now. His Pirates just beat the Cardinals 3 out of 4 with the last 2 being walk offs.
Love to all,

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