Sunday, 12 July 2015

July 12, 2015

Bonnie: It was a beautiful Sabbath Day today, The temperature was not too hot. Bob and I enjoyed a walk this evening. I brought a jacket that I did not need. I love days like today. We understand that it is very hot in Utah right now, (above 100!) which makes me extra happy we are here and not there.
Today we picked up a new convert to go to church with us. He is from the Dominican Republic and is very soft-spoken. He talked about his life a little bit and we enjoyed it. He is a great young man. I also enjoyed talking to the YSAs as they waited for their visits with the Bishop. I spoke with a young man today from India, a very smart young man, who for a time was atheist. He had built his life around the "scientific method" but then began to feel that there was something missing. That's when some missionaries showed up and encouraged him in his study of the gospel. These young people are definitely part of what Elder Ballard called "greatest generation of young adults". I agree with Elder Ballard
My love to everyone, and may tomorrow bring you much joy!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Happy Sabbath to everyone. It has been a peaceful and relaxing day. I did finish up the phone/text information the President wants. Just have to print it tomorrow and let him take a look at it. The week shouldn't be too bad although I may make a run to Kitchener to deliver a desk. We'll see how the week goes.
As Bonnie said the weather has been very pleasant. And there aren't any bugs here in Southern Canada. That is a blessing.
Our renter said the people mowing our grass were letting the weeds get out of hand. She and her mother sent me some pictures which I forwarded onto the landscaper. Heard from her again yesterday that there were about 8 people over weeding, etc. She said it looks a lot nicer now. Hope it stays that way.
There is another couple from our Utah Ward on a mission in Spain right now. He is very particular about his yard and left his son, who lives next door, in charge of taking care of it. Well, it seems Mike went to fertilize the yard and somehow got the fertilizer mixed up with weed killer. He killed every bit of grass. Don't know what they'll do next. Bonnie said at least we have grass.
Love to all,

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