Thursday, 29 December 2016

December 29, 2016

Bob/Bonnie: Sorry about not posting last night. Bonnie went to bed early and I set up finishing the book I was reading, The Woman in White. Totally forgot to post something. We did go to the monthly pot luck for the apartment building last night. We had a small crowd, but it was nice. Lots of friendly people to talk with. Also, delivered Meals on Wheels yesterday.
Not too much accomplished today. When we got up this morning Bonnie was sick. She had to stay around the apartment most of the day. She began to feel better in the afternoon and we then had the Elders over for potato soup. Since it was just leftovers, the meal did not take too much energy to prepare.
Bonnie just said she is feeling better, but still has a slight stomach ache. She spent much of the day preparing her lesson for Relief Society on Sunday. She and I will probably both be teaching then.
I managed to get to the library today to return books, check out a new book for Bonnie and renew our Murdoch Mysteries DVD. We are on the 9th season with 5 remaining episodes. Season 10 is now airing on TV.  I also faxed some information to Ottawa for a single sister in the  Branch who needed it to get a passport for her daughter. I'm glad we were home so I could do that for her.
Talked with Brother Sauve and President Jakob. The Branch is going to have a New Years Eve party beginning at 8:00 pm. We plan on making waffles, playing games and enjoying each other's company.
That's about it for tonight. Hope everyone is well. Love to all and good night brothers.

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