Wednesday, 21 December 2016

December 21, 2016

Bob: Started the day with a 42 lap swim, my longest swim yet. Felt pretty good when I finished.
President Jakob picked me up about 12:30 to go HT with him. We visited Sister Simon in Haileybury and then headed north for Kirkland Lake. Stopped at the Gold Country Motel and Restaurant and had fish 'n chips for lunch. Then we visited Sister MacLeod, Sister Ng and finally Brother and Sister Granatier. We left Granatier's about 8 and arrived in Elk Lake at 9. The roads were snow covered almost all the way back to Elk Lake.
Bonnie had driven to Elk Lake and gone with Sister Jakob on some errands. Route 65 from New Liskeard to Elk Lake did not have any snow on it. She and I left the Jakob's shortly after I arrived. We had clear roads, but light snow showers on the way home.
It is quite late now so we'll close. Hope your day has been great. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It's been a good day with Patsy Jakob. Their three foster children had a Christmas visit with their parents and came home with lots of gifts. They were quite happy tonight. Tomorrow we will deliver more cookies and have lunch with Trudy and Jack Perry.
Until we write tomorrow night, enjoy the season!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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