Bob: The weather wasn't as bad today as predicted. We did get a little freezing rain, but it didn't last too long. The highway crews were all over it and salted the roads immediately. With the temperature rising and the salt, the ice quickly dissipated. The present temperature outside is 40 degrees and Lindon is 19 per
We went to the Branch today to wash the dishes from yesterday's meal. However, there still wasn't much water. We were fortunate enough to get the amount needed to finish the dishes though. When we left there was barely a trickle coming out the faucet. I called the people that put in our water supply system. There is a digital readout on the wall that says '68'. The technician told me to unplug the digital device and the system might reset. If it doesn't he will call us after January 10th when he returns to Canada!! He said he does not have anyone qualified, except himself, to troubleshoot the equipment and fix the problem. I relayed this information to the PF people. If it doesn't reset we won't have any services in the building the next 2 weeks.
That is about it for the day. We should be busier tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great day. Love to all and good night brothers.
Bonnie: After we did the dishes and cleaned the bathrooms at church we went to Wendy's for a snack. We wanted to see our friend Cathy who works there. We had a nice visit.
Tomorrow we will be gong to Latchford to help Sister Benn at her consignment shop. Then, we will be making a few more stops.
By the way, today is Boxing Day, which is a holiday for Canadians. Apparently, it started in England. Children boxed up their old toys and put them outside on the curb for those children who did not get any. Now, it's basically a commercial holiday, with people returning and/or exchanging gifts. It wasn't busy around town because of the weather, though. This morning was a good time to be indoors!
Have a good evening, everyone!
Love, Mom/Bonnie
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