Sunday, 11 December 2016

Dec;ember 11, 2016

Bob: Been a long day. Up before 7 to start the bathroom, shower parade. Church started at 9:00 and we barely made it.Two sisters were singing a prelude number when we walked in. There were five speakers in Sacrament Meeting, and it ran over. The last sister made the point that you don't find time for service, you make time for service. Very interesting point.
Anyway church was over at 1 and we headed back to Chris and Suzy's for lunch. Packed up and left about 2:45 for Dan and Misty's. Bonnie wanted to be there to help with dinner preparations for 15 people. After dinner we packed up and went to the Stake Center for Michael's 7:00 baptism. It was very sweet, and there were about 50 people there. It was late getting started as the Elders had started filling the font a little past 5, but forgot to put the plug in the drain! Needless to say we were a little late getting started. And Michael probably had one of the coldest baptisms ever! But he never said a word about it. Dan had prepared him well by telling him what had happened and not to be surprised if the water was a little cold. Michael was a real trooper and never said anything.
We arrived back at the house about 9 and then began the clean up from the dinner. Bonnie, Ammon and I got the dishes done relatively quickly.
Time for bed. It is an 8 hour trip tomorrow and we have a stop or two to make besides gas and lunch. Hope you had a great weekend. Love to everyone and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It's really been a wonderful day. There was such a sweet spirit at Michael's baptism. Both of his grandmother's spoke, Claire on baptism and me on the Holy Ghost. There was enough dessert for everyone, which surprised me because there were lots of children. Michael invited two of his best friends from school who are not members of the Church. They came with their mothers. All four of them seemed to enjoy it. Misty and Dan have been called as Branch Missionaries and they are doing a great job.
The best part of the week-end has been spending time with children and grandchildren. I can't express what a joy it has been to be here. I hope everyone has had a wonderful week-end as well.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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