Bob: Visited with Sister Darlene Barker today. She lives alone and has home care everyday. I don't think she can get out much at all. Another sister in the Branch does her shopping for her. Went back to the hospital to visit with Sister Craig today and met her daughter who has a year round camping spot at Elk Cabins in Elk Lake. Tried calling another sister but she didn't answer. Stopped to see the daughter of the 1st Counselor in our Branch Presidency, but she wasn't home either.
After dinner Brother and Sister Cambridge came by and dropped off a check I need to take to Rouyn this Sunday. We had a good visit with them. The phone rang right before they left so Bonnie walked them out. When she didn't come back I went to look for her because I thought she might not have taken a key with her. As I started down the hall here she came with Claudette, who lives on the 2nd floor, and 2 visitors of hers. They are French and so Bonnie tried her French on them. I'll let her explain what she talked to them about.
Karl called and wants us to meet him in Englehart Sunday and ride with him to Rouyn. It will be a longer ride for us, but not so bad on our gas tank! The church pays for them to travel over there.
Better close and let Bonnie tell you what's going on. Love to all and good night brothers.
Bonnie: Claudette is a very friendly French woman who lives upstairs. I met her taking the Cambridges to the front of the building. I only teasingly said I was trying to learn how to speak French and said, "Nous mangeons des pommes vertes et rouges". It means we are eating red and green apples. I can translate simple sentences and try to speak them but I'm not any good at conversational french. We have some CDs given to us by another missionary couple with French conversational phrases on it. I guess that's what I should be studying!
It's been a good day. I hope for a good one tomorrow, too, for all of us reading this blog!
Love, Mom/Bonnie
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