Wednesday, 17 August 2016

August 17, 2016

Bob: Not too much happening. We did go to the activity room at the hospital today to mingle and talk with some of the residents during their lunch time. I believe there were four residents, the activity supervisor, and 2 volunteers there. Had a nice conversation with them.
The Ontario Police called and said Bonnie's background check is complete, but they need some more information from me! Maybe I'll be going to jail!! Will stop and see on Friday.
Tonight the Temiskaming and Rouyn Elders were here for dinner. The Rouyn Elders were about 45 minutes late which in turn made us about 10 minutes late for our appointment with the Villneffs. It worked out okay as Norm was at his neighbors and didn't see us drive up. So he got there about 10 minutes after we did.
On the way home there was a big storm cloud hanging over the whole area. It was very ominous. After we got home we heard a large clap of thunder, but haven't heard anything since.
Well I'm going to bed as we must be up and ready to go by 10. That doesn't sound too hard, but it seems to take me almost 2 hours to get up, test my blood, eat and shower. I used to wonder why it took my brother, Eddie, so long to get ready when we were going to the basketball games in Charleston. Now I know why.
Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  So, about our background checks, the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) said that there is another person with the same name as Bob's who has some kind of shady history. They want to get Bob's fingerprints!! I can't believe it is taking so long for this to get done.
Tomorrow it will be fun to go to Quebec and talk to some of the people there. I always like to go new places, although it looks much like Ontario over there.
We have some very good Elders here now. The new ones seem like they will do an awesome job of helping to move the work along. As the two sets of  Elders talked they came up with the name of a man who told them he would like to get baptized--but this was several months ago. He seems to have "fallen through the cracks" because of the many transfers, etc. I hope these new Elders can do a good job of getting this man to follow through with his desire to be baptized.
May you all have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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