Wednesday, 24 August 2016

August 24, 2016

Bob: It was touch and go for awhile today, but everything worked out okay. Bonnie picked up the Cushman's and took them to the hospital by 10:30. She left here at 8:45. Just as she was walking out the door I got a message that I wasn't needed on the move so I didn't get to go with Bonnie to pick them up. Once she dropped them off  at the hospital she came and got me. Then we back to the hospital and visited Donna Craig while waiting for Warren to get his surgery.
We took Warren's prescriptions to Walmart. They initially told him his insurance would not pay for one of them. He said that was okay he would just pay it. So they said they would be ready in a few minutes. I then took him to electronics and then to get a pair of pants. While we doing that they called over the intercom for Warren Cushman to come to the pharmacy. They explained to him that since he was residing in the nursing home that he didn't need those prescriptions filled, that the nursing home would have the items there for him. Warren and Karol said that isn't correct because the nursing home always orders things from Sudbury, 3 hours away.
So we went to the local pharmacy in Englehart. They in turned filled both of his prescriptions with no co-pay or deductible! He was quite happy about that.
I did have one surprise though. Right next door to the pharmacy is a small local restaurant called 'Sisters'. I believe it is the one I heard people talking about at Elk Cabins a couple years ago. We will definitely stop and try it out.
I thought the Activity Night went well. Most everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. One brother I am not sure about, but we'll see if he comes back next week. I took him home and he said to call him next Wednesday.
I went swimming this morning and did 14 laps again. It was easier than Monday. Talked to one other senior that swims when I do. He told me he usually does 20 laps, but had to cut it short today. Will try to keep the conversation going on Friday.
The Budgetts called today. They just got back from Washington. Both had to have some major dental work done. When she called I answered the phone, 'Paradise Lodge'!! She couldn't talk for a few seconds as she was laughing. Her husband said he believes it by some of the pictures I have sent.
Hope your day was great. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It's a long day, but kind of crazy, with quite a bit of time waiting for Brother Cushman to get finished with of his cataract surgery. When he finally got ready to go we went to lunch first, then to Walmart. They really like to go to Walmart! Next stop was a pharmacy in  Englehart where they filled both of his prescriptions without any charge to him. We finally got back about 4:45. I was so tired I wanted to take a quick nap, but that didn't happen. Bob went to pick up a less-active and we began our "Activity Night" about 7:00. It turned out rather well, I think. We introduced ourselves, sharing what our favorite food is, and then showed the Mormon Message video "Lift" and shared Matt.25: 31-40. Some of us shared some personal experiences after that. Then, we played games and had cookies. I really enjoyed it. Tomorrow, Bob and I will go to "tea" at 2:00 to meet others in our building. One of the regulars at tea actually came tonight! She could only stay till 7:30, however. But, there is  hope!
May everyone have a good night and day tomorrow.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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