Saturday, 3 September 2016

September 3, 2016

Bob: Walked this morning. The weather said it was 46 outside, but it was actually quite nice.
We got ready and went to Kirkland Lake. Got there at 12:00, had lunch with Sister Ng and then went to visit John. He sold a farm to Sister Ng a few years ago and they still keep in touch. He has a Book of Mormon, but he needs a large print. She said she would take one over to him. Not sure he wants to be taught right now.
Went to visit Angie, an Asian lady friend of Sister Ng. However, another old friend of Angie's showed up as we got there. We left for a while and went back. Once the friend found out we were going berry-picking she wanted to go. No one thought she would be able to do it as she walks with a walker and the ground is very rough. However, she surprised everyone and was the best picker of the group. She took a cane and did very well.
Better get to bed. Hope your weekend is going well. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: We came home with 14 cups of berries! There will be some wonderful desserts for the missionaries in the future, that's for sure, and berries on cereal and in pancakes, and on ice cream, and in muffins. The list is endless. I feel like I'm in blueberry heaven!
Sister Ng is one wonderful sister, so kind to everyone around her. She works full time and has a large garden on her property and loves genealogy. In fact, we will probably have some activities in Kirkland Lake doing genealogy. There are some exciting things going on here.
May we have a precious Sabbath Day tomorrow!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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