Sunday, 11 September 2016

September 11, 2016

Bonnie:  It's been a long day, but a good one.  Church was excellent with our two missionaries speaking. One talk was on the attributes of  Christ and the other one on the atonement.  One challenge for me was that the  RS President was sick today, and she was supposed to teach. So, I ended up teaching the lesson! I couldn't prepare for it during Sunday School because we attended the Gospel Principles class with an investigator. So, it was not a very good lesson, I'm afraid. We had a covered dish dinner after church and after that a meeting with the Elders in our Branch and the Branch missionary couple. We went over all of the less-actives in the  Branch and didn't get done until 6:00. I can't believe it took us so long. We need to come up with a Branch Missionary Plan that has been approved by the Branch Council, among other things. All in all, it has been a very good day. I have been in contact with two of my children and some grandchildren so that makes it an extra good day for me.
I hope everyone has had an extra good day, as well.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Bonnie has summed up the day very well. It took a long time to go over the list of less-actives because we have seen a lot of them, and Brother & Sister Cambridge know the history of most of them. Anyway, we divided them up into 4 groups (1 group of nowhere to be found) and will report back to each other in a couple weeks. I'm very interested in seeing the Branch Missionary Plan and finding out how it will work. It appears to me that we need to do more contacting with a spiritual message. Then we can find out who is really not interested. Time will tell.
Well it's time for bed. Hope your weekend was great. Love to all and good night brothers.

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