Wednesday, 28 September 2016

September 28, 2016

Bonnie and Bob: Today Bob worked on taxes and figured out how much we spent on our trip to the States. We spent quite a bit of money but it was well worth it. There is nothing like holding a grand-baby for the first time, especially Lucas, with his big brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair. He is a sweety, for sure! I enjoyed so many little things during our trip--Michael's hugs and Gwyn's cheer-leading for the Cougars at the big game. It was great to talk to the teen-agers, too. Katie and Evie are both attending Seminary and doing well in school. We watched Ammon play football. He did well. I also loved watching Daphne and Sarah together. I'm so happy they are close cousins! Jonathan, Jackson, Allie Jane and Serenity are growing up much too fast. Sunday after we ate dinner together we celebrated all of the birthdays in September and October, except for adults. Five grandchildren had birthdays out of the families that were there. It was very fun.
Today I went visiting teaching to Englehart with Sister Voterro. We saw Karol and had a wonderful conversation with her. She is a very special person. Then, we got ready for a Pot Luck dinner in the Common Room for everyone in our apartment building. It was a huge success. A table had to be set up in the hall, there were so many there. We will look forward to this the last Wednesday of every month. There was even a man who sang several songs as he played his guitar for us. A very nice ending to the day.
We  hope everyone has had a great day as well. We love you all.
Mom/Bonnie, Dad/Bob

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