There were several friends that came over for dessert after the baptism. One lady, Dawna Johnson, from the Logan area thinks she knows Kenneth Godfrey who was the Mission President in the late 70s back in WV. It really is a small Mormon world.
Below are a couple of pictures of Misty and Dan's house and then Suzy and Chris' house.
Ellis' house
Keyes' house
Part of the Ellis' chicken farm
Bonnie: We have just had a marvelous party for Jonathan's baptism and Evie's birthday. She is 13 today. The baptism was very special. The talks were given by Jonathan's sister Daphne who gave the baptism talk and his cousin Ammon who spoke on the Holy Ghost. They were excellent talks. The Bishop ended with a talk about working in the military on a submarine and learning how to listen carefully to do his job. He likened it to listening for the Holy Ghost to guide him in his life. Afterwards, we had three types of cake and ice cream after singing to Evie for her birthday. There were several families who came, and Misty and Dan and their children of course. I'm very proud that Jonathan has made this very important decision. It will bless his life as he honors the promises he has made to Heavenly Father. It's been a very special day.
Jonathan and Chris prior to the baptism
Chris, Evie, Suzy, Daphne, with Jonathan in front
Evie is taller than Suzy! The Keyes kids are all looking so grown up and beautiful. Thanks for posting photos.