Bob: Visited Sister Benn this morning and then headed for the Cushman's in Englehart. The schools had been cancelled because of freezing rain, but the roads turned out to be okay. Took the Cushman's to their favorite restaurant, Lucky Loi Chinese Restaurant, for lunch. Everyone had a good time and it was quite nice. I believe it is under new management and everything was crisp and clean. Would recommend it.
After lunch we took them to Service Ontario to check on a personal matter. Their social worker had received a letter that they were to go there. However, Service Ontario said the matter was not yet resolved and they didn't know when it would be. Cushman's believe Ontario has unfairly cut their benefits once they were married, and they are attempting to get them back. However, I believe the Nursing Home will take most of the money as almost all of their money has always gone to the Nursing Home.
We had President Jakob, his 3 daughters, and Warren Cambridge over for dinner. Bonnie served a wonderful chicken parmigiana with angle hair spaghetti. We had homemade brownies for dessert. It was great.
Then we had Activity Night. Only 6 of us were there but we had a great spiritual thought by Elder Baird about missionary work. Then we enjoyed a game of 'The Great Dalmuti'. Everyone in the family needs to get ready for this game as we are bringing it home with us. Some pictures are below. You will love the hats!!!!
Better get to bed. Love to all and good night brothers.
Bonnie: I am finally through with putting on big dinner meals!! I've enjoyed it, but it has been a lot of work. The rest of the week we will eat leftovers, except for tomorrow night's Pot Luck here at the apartment building. We had fun tonight at our last Activity Night. I do hope it will continue.
We will be going to Dobie tomorrow morning to see our friend Janet. It will take an hour and 20 minutes, so we will be leaving early. Then, we have Meals on Wheels to deliver and another less-active man to see tomorrow night. It's hard to believe that we only have three days of our mission left, at least where we can visit people. The packing will begin in earnest on Thursday.
May everyone have a great night!
Love, Mom/Bonnie
Elder Myers
Warren Cambridge and Elder Baird
Delainey Brady and Sister Martin
Elder Martin and Warren Cambridge
Landscape North of New Liskeard today