Wednesday, 1 March 2017

March 1, 2017

Bob: Did not wake up very early this morning. But we did make it to breakfast before it closed. Kind of wished we hadn't eaten though as it was very poor. Got out of the motel after 10:30 finally. And I think we left one of the phone chargers there.
The first place we stopped was AT&T. We wanted to activate my phone, but of course the people at the store had no idea what to do to activate my number. The people at the main number for AT&T told me that the outlet stores would have no problem doing this, but then they didn't have a clue. So we called the main number. They said I needed to be transferred to 'Port Activation' and of course they never did answer. Never got one sound after dialing the number they gave us for them. Ended up finding a phone for Bonnie and activated it instead of one for me. And then we got 2 different stories about the phone from 2 different sales people. I can't believe AT&T hires these people and expects them to help people when they don't know what they are doing!!
Our next stop was the temple. We got there early so it was a short nap time. Went up to the main entrance then and found out they were closed for cleaning. I had specifically called them and gave them the date we would be there. No problem they said. Oh well!!
Then we stopped at the Hill Cumorah site and ran into 5 YSAs from the YSA Ward in Brampton! It was good to see them. Left there and arrived at our motel just about dark.
Bonnie has her coat on and is freezing. The thermostat is maxed out now. Hope she makes it through the night.
Better get to bed so we can get up earlier tomorrow. Hope you had a great day and that the flooding isn't too bad in WV. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: I don't have much to add. I was sad at not being able to attend the temple, but we will be going Friday to the Philadelphia Temple! Chris has told me it is beautiful inside. I can't wait. Tomorrow we will be going to the Priesthood Restoration Site and then heading for Philadelphia. I feel odd not having my name tags on, especially when we talk to other Senior Missionaries like we did today at the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center. I suppose that's only natural since we've been wearing them for 23 months! I loved seeing the YSA's, too. One was newly baptized so that was neat.
I hope everyone has had a blessed day today. We love you all.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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