Friday, 25 November 2016

November 25, 2016

Bob: Started the day with another swim. Swam 32 laps before I had to quit because of the exercise class that follows the open swim. But I swam a total of 99 laps this week, or 3 miles. Been thinking of trying the flippers to see how it goes.
Went to Sister Parks with Brother Cambridge about 11:00. He and I worked on some things that needed doing at her house. We finished up about 4:30 or so. He worked on some electrical items while I put handles and magnet closures on cabinet doors. Those were the easy jobs. We'll go back next week and start on the harder items.
Bonnie and I went to the only Mexican place in town for dinner. Wouldn't rate it very highly, but we had to try it. No damage of it displacing Wendy's as my favorite!!
Not much snow the past 24 hours. Temperatures were up a little above freezing today so the snow is melting some. Expect more tomorrow.
Bonnie prepared stuffing tonight for the Branch Christmas party. I cut a few onions and broke up 27 cups of bread for the dressing. It should be good. Time to wash the dishes now while Bonnie finishes the blog.
Everyone have a great weekend. Love to all and good night brothers. Hope you have had a great Thanksgiving.

Bonnie:  I went visiting teaching with Sister Cambridge while our husbands helped Sister Parks. I love going with Sister Cambridge. She is lots of fun and full of much wisdom and love for the members of the Branch. She was the Relief Society President here for at least 12 years, and she and her husband went to the Ukraine on a mission.
We decided to do the shopping on the way home, and then go out to eat because of the lateness of the hour. As Bob has written, I am making dressing for our Branch Dinner/Christmas party tomorrow. I will end up with triple the recipe. The third batch, which I will make tomorrow morning, will have sausage in it. This party will add to an already great Thanksgiving week-end for us.
I hope all of you enjoyed your  "turkey" day as much as we did ours.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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