Thursday, 17 November 2016

November 17, 2016

Bob: This was posted on our blog site tonight. Don't know if it means anything to you or not -

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This has been a day of rest for us. Bonnie wasn't feeling well at all this morning. She couldn't go with the Elders and I to Sister LaPointe's home to help clean out some shelves and things for her. Bonnie said she slept for about an hour and a half while we were gone. It took us almost 3 hours to get everything done at Sister LaPointe's.
We did have an appointment tonight, but they called to cancel it. Want us to come next week. We'll try to work that in as next week is already going to be busy.
When I arose this morning I decided to take a walk. I thought it said the temperature was 22 so I loaded up on warm gear. Once outside I realized I must have read something wrong as I immediately began peeling off ear muffs, neck scarf and sweatshirt. Also put my gloves in my pockets. Walked for just over an hour in a long sleeve t-shirt, short sleeve t-shirt and light jacket. When I got home I was sweating. Been another mild day. The forecast until December 1st has snow flurries a couple of times. However, the accumulation is predicted at less than 1 inch each day. Bring it on!!!!
Bonnie sends her love and says good night. Love to all and good night brothers.

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