Thursday, 9 June 2016

June 9, 2016

Bob: See the picture below of the pretty flowers Sister Clayton brought to the office Tuesday from her garden at the Mission Home. That lovely lady trying to keep warm in the background is my beautiful wife, Sister Martin. I guess we were trying to freeze her out by the looks of her shawl.
Today was a busy time. Moved furniture and an assortment of other things up to the Wolfley's apartment on the 9th floor. They didn't get here till this afternoon though. Seems they had a problem at the border and only got a 3-day visa. They have to go back to the border by Saturday to get things worked out. They were told it is no guarantee that they will be allowed to stay in Canada. Official told them they might have to go back to the US and reapply for new visas!! I don't understand why this is so hard. It's like each couple is left to fend for themselves.
Anyway they got here and have moved some things in. They're not unpacking everything though. We finally went to dinner with them around 6:00. Everyone left the office before 4 today, but I had to wait for a UPS pick up which was after 5.
Time to go to bed now. Love to all and good night brothers.

Flowers from the Clayton's garden

Bonnie:  It's been an interesting day. The Wolfley's are great people and will do just fine in the office. I'm thankful for the opportunity to work with them. The office will be in good hands.
In defense of the above picture, the air conditioning is extra cold where I work. What's an extra layer or two if it makes me comfortable?
I have gone through all of my kitchen cupboards and drawers tonight and pulled out what I really want to keep and what I will let the senior sisters look at and take. It makes me feel good to do this and it means less to pack up and take to the "frozen" north. What is not taken by the sisters I will give to Salvation Army or Value Village.
Our apartment is pretty bare. We gave the  Wolfley's a chair, loveseat and large living room "coffee" table, as well as two tall lamps and two little ones. We are left with the couch and a smaller end table that matches the one we gave them.  We also gave them one of "our" night-stands. We have the other one until we move. We will also give them the shelves in our storage room and the little kitchen table on wheels that has given me more counter space.
Tomorrow will be quiet, probably. The Wolfleys have to go back to the border. The paper they needed was faxed to them by Salt Lake City this afternoon. I hope this all works out for them. It's good that they were granted a three-day visa so they could try to fix things up. The border patrol man said not to expect that they will be able to stay, though. We will pray for them tonight.
May the Lord answer all of our prayers if they are His will tonight! My love to all.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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