Sunday, 26 June 2016

June 26, 2016

Bob: Well it has been an interesting day. We went to another YSA baptism this morning. It took more than one attempt to completely immerse him, but it finally happened. Mandeep was baptized this morning. It was a sweet baptism with lots of support from the YSAs.
We had Ward Conference today. Bishop Finnigan and Stake President Gooby were the only speakers, and it was excellent. President Gooby told them a joke that he got out of the Friend. He asked them how a chicken sitting on the fence is like a coin? The answer: there is a head on one side and a tail on the other side!! Hardly anyone laughed at first, but I don't think it was from lack of understanding. He went on to give some very good examples and some words of counsel from David Burton who used to be Presiding Bishop. Eventually you have to come off the fence on one side or the other, and the time to do that is RIGHT NOW, AND ON THE LORD'S SIDE. Very effective talk.
Tonight we had FHE with all the Seniors. It was quite nice and we answered several questions about Temiskaming. We should have several people to help in the morning.
Just got a call from the Brampton Z/L that they can't be here till 9:00, but they are sending 3 other companionships here at 8:00 to start taking things down. Sounds good!!
By the way, thanks for comments and likes on Evan's Facebook post.
Well I've got to get some sleep. Love to all and good night brothers.
One final thought. I don't think we will have internet tomorrow so I am leaving the computer here. Will talk to you Tuesday night hopefully.

Bonnie:  Another wonderful  Sabbath Day. One of the most interesting parts of today was the "no-practice choir" that sang at ward conference. Bob says we sounded very good. I think we did ok, too. There must have been about 60 YSAs plus some advisors in the choir. We sang "Lead Kindly Light" which is one of the stake president's favorite songs. Also, another sister advisor gave us a treat bag to take with us tomorrow. It's got chips for Bob and sweet and salty brownies for me! Then, Sister De Dios, who helped me yesterday pack up the kitchen, gave us sheets and towels for the two nights we will have in this apartment without any furniture. She also included a little table which will help lots. So sweet of her to do this for us. Evan, who posted our picture on facebook, is now the executive secretary. He is a great young man. I have loved working with him.
We are about all packed up. Bob is working on the computer right now. I hope it will all work out tomorrow. We should have plenty of help. Wish us luck, everyone, and have a great Monday!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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