Talk the class for prospective Elders today. Only had 1 show up. We have several that should have been there. Hopefully there will be a better turn out next week.
Got a call from Brad Sauve tonight. He has everything set up for ice fishing Saturday on Larder Lake. It is a about an hour and 15 minutes northeast of Elk Lake. You can see it on google maps. We are going up on Saturday. Ralph Granatier lives next to the lake and he says they are catching a lot of trout right now. Doesn't look like we are going to get a walleye dinner, but it should be good. We are stopping in North Cobalt on Friday evening to have dinner with Jack, Trudy, Brad and his daughters. It will be fun to see everyone again. I don't think we have been to Temiskaming since October. I miss the Branch and the members.
Time to call it a day. Love to all and good night brothers.
Rob, Martin, Christopher
February 21, 2016

Sister Johnson, Sister Vance, Christopher, Rob
February 7, 2016

Bonnie: It has been a wonderful Sabbath for us. One neat thing was that President and Sister Clayton were able to attend the baptism this morning. They cannot attend every baptism. We had a great Sacrament Meeting also. It wasn't too bad today getting all of the YSAs in to see the Bishop, either. We had stroganoff over rice for Munch and Mingle. We just got home from our monthly FHE and it was very good. After watching Michael Wilcox discuss some of the Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi, we went around the room and everyone shared something from the Book of Mormon that gave them an "Ah-hah" moment. I loved it. And, of course, there were goodies to eat after that.
So, tomorrow begins Transfers--Monday through Wednesday, full of wonderful things!! We are getting 22 new missionaries, I think. This will affect 2/3 of the mission. The new missionaries will be picked up tomorrow and the sisters will stay at a hotel (because there are more of them than the Elders coming in) and the Elders will spend the night at the Clayton's. Then, Tuesday is the training early in the morning at the Stake Center for the new missionaries, followed by some "going-home" counseling for those missionaries going home as well as a farewell temple session in the afternoon. They will leave on Wednesday. It will be a busy day in the office on Tuesday for sure, as the new twosomes come in to pick up supplies.
How I love the gospel of Jesus Christ! I love watching the gospel as it is being carried all over the world. I love the experiences that we are having as we serve here. And I love all of you who are so supportive of what we are doing. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf.
Love, Mom/Bonnie
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