Thursday, 10 December 2015

December 10, 2015

Bob: Not much unusual going on today. Tried to get everything done as I will be gone part of the day tomorrow and leaving on time for a party.
One unusual thing happened that I am going to let Salt Lake worry about. When we pay anyone we have to set them up as a VENDOR. To do this I have to fill out a sheet with the name of the person we will be paying, their address, phone number, etc. Then the proposed Vendor needs to sign it. Well, I sent one to an electric company today and they replied 'we don't process these type of requests'. Thus, no signature. I just forwarded it to Salt Lake. It will be interesting to see how they handle it. Will let you know. This seems like a laborous system for someone who is getting a one time payment. There is an exception in that situation. They have a special title and do not require the Vendor form.
Weather was very pleasant today as the temperature was just above 50 I do believe. No rain, but lots of fog in the morning and haze in the afternoon. Supposed to be 50 and bright sunshine tomorrow. Hope that gets rid of some of the haze.
Better close for now. Love to all and good night brother.

Bonnie:  I just got finished with making cookies and a salad for our party tomorrow night. I made Faith's "secret" recipe for raspberry thumbprints. They taste really good! It's 10:15 and I really need to get to bed, but I just remembered that I have to wrap a white elephant gift. It shouldn't take too long, thankfully.
I'm still worried about the missionaries and their Christmas gifts. We have about 50 that don't have anything coming right now, unless parents have sent their gift directly to their apartments. This will be another assignment for the Zone Leaders, I guess. They will have to find out who has received something or will receive something over the next two weeks and report back to me. We have offers of help from the Temple missionaries, and the three couples in the office for those missionaries who won't get anything. I'm sure it will turn out fine, but I still worry.
May all of your worries be few and far between!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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